Fun Fun Fun

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Crafts

The kids and I have been having a blast this week with many friends and play dates, which is a huge benefit with my part time schedule. Ethan has made and decorated cookies 3 times, built a gingerbread house and made Christmas trees out of pine cones! Jillian of course helped him eat the cookies.
The three blondies don't look thrilled but they had fun with pinecones, fake snow, colored balls and sprinkles making their trees!
Ethan and Alex made delicious cookies with sprinkles after a walk to look at an amazing Christmas lights display.
sugar rush
Mia kicked things off with this house-she said Ethan was entertained for a full hour and a half! He was so proud of this!
Tentatively eating some of his creation!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Lane

You might remember our pictures from last year of the beautiful house and Christmas displays the people of Christmas Lane decorated with. This year I focused on the kid photos instead of repeating all the decor! The kids had so much fun this year we have gone twice!
Ethan, John, Emma and Jillian enjoying a sleigh ride! Our good friends who have lived next door for about 6 months now.
We seriously had to force Ethan to take turns with this thing!
Colleen, Jen and the kids in front of the 72 foot lighted tree! All with beads from seeing Santa.
Jillian is fascinated by the lights and says "ball" 100 times a day at the ornaments!
Jillian is NOT fascinated by Santa (even a little bit)

My Christmas presents!
Jillian on a happier note (ignore the nonmatching purple socks)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ethan's Bird Feeders

Lately, Ethan is very into the tv show Special Agent Oso and likes to carry out some of the same "missions" Oso is sent on. Last month Aunt Debbie made frozen juice pops with us out of orange juice and this week Mia and daddy helped Ethan make bird feeders! They are still hanging on the tree after a week and probably need reloaded at this point.
Step 1: Put peanut butter on the pinecone!Step 2: Sprinkle birdseed on the peanut butter covered pine cone!

Step 3: Hang a ribbon on the pinecone and attach to the tree!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Junior FireFighters

A couple of weeks ago at the store Ethan and I saw a little boy shopping with his mom wearing one of these "firehouse subs" fire hats. He told me that he wanted one and we made it happen. The beads are from Mia's house and he and Jillian have been taking turns with them non stop. The hat is a huge hit!
a perfect pose
J cracking us up
E loves close ups these days!