Fun Fun Fun

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sightseeing in DC

We had a wonderful trip to DC this past weekend and it started early Friday morning with a day in Washington DC seeing historical landmarks. Ethan had trouble accepting that we couldn't go into the White House and say hi to the president, but overall there was excitement about what we saw! Later that evening we drove to Wheaton and visited Grandma and Grandpap at their house and showed Ethan and Jillian where Mia grew up too. Then we spent a great evening with Janice, George and their daughter Val. She won J over quickly by painting her nails. It was a huge Friday!
 Our pilot got out of his seat and told the kids to get in!
 With Poppy behind the White House!
 With Aunt Nicole and Annemarie at the Reflecting Pool
 At the Lincoln Memorial
 Mr. Lincoln
 Me enjoying my kids in a place that brings back so many memories
 Dancing at the Washington Monument
 Jefferson Memorial and Tidal Basin
 Only a few Cherry Blossoms left
 Ethan got a little peak of the Nationals Stadium
Decked out in Nationals gear

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Best Easter Party Ever

This Easter we had a blast hosting family at our house! A couple of days before we dyed eggs for everyone and then we had an Easter egg hunt, taught the kids to play Bocce, played some hockey, and facetimed with the Giratas! We had a wonderful dinner thanks to everyone and a pretty dessert you can see I made below. As the kids sing from Mickey Mouse: "It's gonna be the best Easter party ever, the best part is we'll be together! And we'll be friends forever, it's spring time. A sing a ling a ding time. fa la la la la la la la la!"


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Christmas 3 of 3

And finally some evening festivities opening presents and hanging out before bed. We also got the first official photo of all the cousins together with Annemarie. It was a whirl wind day, but one will always remember!
Love this shot! Feel the love 
 cousins-Ethan, Jillian, Annemarie, Layna and Brayden
 first present-go!
 Score-easy bake oven
 Doc McStuffings and Lambie
 Go Bucs!
 Starting our new baseball room
 couldn't leave out Piper!
 Uncle Doug and Kayla-photo taken by Jillian!
 Aunt Nicole and Uncle Chris also taken by Jillian!
Mommy kisses

Christmas 2 of 3

Our family Christmas at Mia and Poppy's house was such a wonderful day. The cousins played and we all laughed and had a great time visiting. It was really nice to have some of our family from out of town here to celebrate with. It's amazing to see the holidays through the kid's eyes and I hope to keep that magic alive for many years to come. This post is dedicated to good times with the Roenick, Girata, Weitz, Hart, Schilling Crew! Maybe we'll add more next Stepp or Shelton. Hint Hint.
 Annemarie got lots of love
 Poppy and his boys
 Kayla and Aunt Lisa get some baby snuggles
 Mia and her girls
 Aunt Debbie and future Yankee Ethan
 Sisters! Nice to all be together!
 Kayla brought kids an awesome spaceship and had to try it too
 More baby snuggles
 Cannot even count how many pictures of the girls there are together-they are inseperable
 Me and my big boy playing around. So big!
 Aunt Elyse and her mini me warming up!
Poppy and the girls doing some dancing!

Christmas 1 of 3

Happy Holidays everyone-I said I would be going backwards! We have had a fantastic couple of weeks and it's been really hard to return to work/school after the break. We made our annual trip to Christmas Lane this year, Jillian sat on Santa/Mrs. Claus lap for the first time EVER, and the kids absolutely loved decorating the Christmas Tree and wrapping gifts this year. We had a great time celebrating Christmas with our family and the cousins enjoyed their visit together more then ever. It's been an amazing 2 weeks of fun, relaxation and the excitement of the elf on the shelf and counting down with our advent calendar filled with surprises. We missed many of you and hope to see you in 2013!
So excited that they were both happy and we finally got this picture!
Always beautiful at Christmas Lane
 cutie pie had to have a pink sparkly hat this year
 my two greatest gifts
 hanging with Peyton, Alexa and Brayden on Santa's Sleigh
 checking out what Santa left in her stocking
 baseball cards in his stocking
 Santa left some goodies at Mia's house for us
 air hockey-Ethan's big gift
 new family tradition-baseball in the yard