Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mr. Steve's Firetruck

Ethan was so excited this week to go back to family friend, Steve's fire station, and see the truck up close! We took good friends K and G with us and the boys were in heaven! Last year Ethan really loved the truck from afar, but getting inside was a bit scary and he needed mom and dad. This time he said, "down mama and shut the door". We even got to ride around the block, him in the front seat with "Mr. Steve". The other firemen were great and really got a kick out of how amazed the boys were. Every day since he has asked me to go back!

This look says it all - one happy boy

look how tiny he looks

learning how to handle the hose

G and his doggie looking at a hat inside the truck

Jillian wasn't so sure about the inside of the truck, but during the drive was fine.

Washing the fire truck!

Riding up front around the block

E loved being inside the front of the ambulance (we didn't go in the back of course).

The whole gang and a playdate to remember!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July Weekend

What a great, relaxing weekend we had! Many firsts happened this weekend as Ethan learned how to fish and play putt putt golf. Jillian has taken to her jumperoo and loves the flashing lights and bouncing! We were able to spend some time with good friends and family and Jen's friend from 5th grade (and up) moved to FishHawk with her husband and adorable son (see our friends links to the side (Adventures with our bearcub). We can't wait for more playdates in the future!

Hard to see Ethan's flag tshirt, but they were both decked out for the holiday!

Jillian laughing with Poppy and her butterfly that goes everywhere with us!

Ethan hits the ball-yes he has more than one!

every time he hits the ball into the hole he yells "In the hole!" with excitement.

As Mia says, "bouncy, bouncy baby" and the kids crack up!

Learning to fish with daddy & our friends Mr. Rob and Robbie

Poppy found Aunt Elyse's old fishing pole for kids and is it too cute or what?

Really holding the pole and reeling the line in with those adorable little hands.

I had to include this from last week's playdate with Macie. The kids were in the water before we could even get suits on them, so I grabbed Ethan's shorts and then ran for the suits!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Great Explorations

My mom found this great little children's museum in St. Pete called Great Explorations so we went for a visit while daddy was on a business trip earlier this week. Ethan had a blast running around and didn't even get to see everything, so a future trip back will be fun, too!

Mia found these glasses in her playroom-Mafia baby ready for museum.

Ethan ran straight to this firetruck-no surprise there.
He kept saying "put water on the fire"-potential halloween custome idea....

Jillian decided to be a vet for the day-can you find her in there?

Ethan loves pretend play lately and made a pizza with Mia
Taking it off the "hot" oven.

He thought the ball drop was very cool
He was very at home shopping in the "publix" kids store.
One happy camper headed to McDonalds on the way home!