Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Meet Dash

Ethan is so excited for me share with you all that he got a new Betta Fish! He and Jillian are taking good care of their new friend Dash and love to watch him swim around. (Named after Dash from Turbodogs and The Incredibles, which are 2 of Ethan's favorites right now).
picking out his fish and a portable aquarium
proudly holding Dash in the Petsmart check out line.
So excited to put Dash into his new home!
Dash's first set up looked a little to UF Gatorish, but he is a pretty fish!
Jillian trying to touch Dash
Both kids loving their new pet. Piper seems to be indifferent!
Dash has a new set up already as we had some problems with cloudiness and the orange rocks. Daddy took Ethan to pick out new rocks in the color of his choice and a little sign. Dash made it through the change. No more Florida Gator tank. We will be interested to see how long the interest lasts-hopefully a long time!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

End of Summer Fun

Summer is coming to an end and many of our friends are starting school and preschool this week! We went to an awesome splash park with friends at the YMCA recently and Jillian had her first merri go round ride (Ethan did NOT want to ride). I have been at work now for a few weeks and we're getting into a good routine. Thank you to Mia, Aunt Debbie and Daddy who have been so great with the kids while I work 4 days a week in training this month. One more week and I will start the 3 day per week schedule. Still having great playdates on my days off and hope to get back to Gymboree in another month or two. Can't believe Labor Day and fall are right around the corner!
This splash park was awesome-Ethan climbing up the cargo net
Sliding all by himself!
E and G slid so many times!

J did not like getting splashed at all from any of the sprays
Look at the grin on this girl's face. definitely our dare devil.
Gotta love how she's holding on.
sorry it's off center-but too cute!

Cute Comparisons

The other day I saw some old pictures of Ethan and thought it might be time for a side by side comparison with Jillian! I know that I am biased, but they are too cute!
Jillian around 5 months playing in sink

Ethan around 5 months playing in sink
Jillian sitting up at about 5 1/2 months

Ethan sitting up at about 5 1/2 months

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More Vacation photos

We did so many fun things in Knoxville this time around! We went to the Oak Ridge children's museum, fed the birds in the backyard, visited with a lot of great family, and drove through the mountains (Cade's Cove) seeing deer, turkeys and a black bear! It was quite relaxing and the weather was beautiful out on grandma and grandpa's back porch.
Jillian's 1st airplane ride and Ethan's 1st time in his own seat!
Ethan helped grandpa get the worms ready twice a day!

My little man had no trouble holding those worms!

The mama bird would get the worms and take them to the babies in their nest-so neat!

These baby birds hatched in another birdhouse in grandma and grandpa's backyard!

E was fascinated with the train exhibit at the museum.

J and daddy inside the caboose!

Ethan loved the play kitchen in the doll house.

This 2 story old fashioned doll house was amazing.

What a cutie in his apron learning about locks-notice his boat shoes!

Jillian hanging with her great grandmother, Mimi!

Aunt Kristin gets a moment with the girls!

The Weitz grandchildren all together: Jillian, Ethan and Anna!

We were so happy that Eric's cousin Sam was in town for a bit as well!

Going through the Smoky Mts. we stopped at this very scenic spot-Ethan not wanting to be photographed in case you couldn't tell!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thomas the Train

During our recent trip we spent a day out with Thomas the Train in Bryson City, North Carolina. What a fabulous day with the kids and Grandma and Grandpa. It was a hot and sunny one, but that didn't stop us from enjoying the train ride and other festivities on the grounds. It was quite a production and Ethan had a blast! More family photos to come from the Knoxville trip!
sporting our new double stroller for the first time-the kids love being able to see each other!
Jillian could not wait out in this open area with us easily because the sun was a scorcher, but E was a trooper and we had to get a good photo with Thomas!
Grandma and Jillian ready to take off!
The whole family enjoying the scenic ride.
Ethan kept looking out the window for James and Percy!
He loved this lego area and there were temporary tatoos and storytelling areas and more!
Spending a minute with the big guy Sir Topham Hatt. Even gave him high five!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Kids on the Block

These are from a couple of weekends ago when we went to Orlando to see great friends. Our group of friends is growing as more and more kids are coming and it's SO wonderful. On another note I started my new job this week and it's quite a challenge. I am very excited, but that is also why the slacking on my part to put up our vacation photos. I'm happy to say we have a new computer and Eric is working diligently to transfer everything over! Lots of new photos to come by this weekend at the latest. (PS-the title of my post is what Billy titled the photo when he emailed it to us and I just liked it).

Mike, Tiffany, Michael, Jen, Ethan, Eric, Jillian, Billy, William, Ashley, Frank, Julia and Ami

J and E making jello jigglers-what fun!

Friday, August 7, 2009

We're Still Here

Hi all! Sorry for the delay in posting. We just got back from a great mini vacation to Tennessee and North Carolina and our computer monitor went out right before we left. We hope to be up and running again in a couple of days, but I was able to sneak onto Eric's work laptop for a quick update! Great photos from our trip coming soon.