Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, January 17, 2010

They LOVE Trains

Yesterday Eric took the kids to H & R Railroad store in St. Pete as this has become one of their favorite outings! They have a blast looking at the model trains, running around out back and Ethan is constantly planning which trains he wants next for his set at home!
Daddy, Jillian and Ethan watching the train in the garden.
I love seeing Ethan making friends with the older boys.
This is hilarious-he is so excited and flipping the bird all in one.
Too cute-sitting together
J loves the swing and Eric says she was falling asleep on it!
FSU cheerleader rooting for Thomas
Enjoying the indoor train set

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year

It was a quiet New Year's Eve at our house for the most part, but you could see fireworks from our back yard! Ethan thought this was very cool and we sat on the porch for awhile watching and naming all the colors. We want to wish you all the Happiest and Healthiest 2010! Here's some fun from New Year's Eve and Day just hanging out.
J discovered the dishwasher and E thinks she is hilarious
park time-she screeches the minute you take her out of the swing
a cheesy cheese for the camera
now that they both have chairs they climb and occassionally watch tv together
of course they wouldn't smile in the same picture
love this one
blackmail is all I can say

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Zoo Highlights

On December 30th we had the most beautiful weather and headed to the zoo with our cousins, family and good friends. This was Jillian's first trip to the zoo and the bigger kids knew exactly what they wanted to see and do! It was relaxing and everyone truly enjoyed the afternoon outdoors.

Jillian tried everything and babbled to this camel during our whole ride!

She loved the petting zoo and even grabbed a poor goat's ear! She was fascinated by the Giraffe's but close up wasn't sure of her true feelings. Ethan likes the animals from a distance only so he's not in many of those pictures!

Feeding the giraffes is very cool.

Now this boy loves a train ride and easily rode 5 times

Jillian wanting mom, but she soon settled in and relaxed. Layna wondering what the heck there is to cry about at the zoo!

Jillian absolutely loved George and you can see she is not shy in pointing and telling him what she wants to go and see!

Layna and her Gigi riding the Merry Go Round

Jillian playing in the fountains

A tired Mama, but boy look at the resemblance in these 2 faces.

The boys enjoying a nice lunch and getting ready for more rides and manatees!

Life's a Beach

On December 26th we spent a day on Sand Key Beach with Aunt Lisa, Uncle Doug and my cousin Kayla! It was a cold 60 degrees out, but we had a bit of fun nonetheless. There was a great kid's playground area right at their hotel the kids could climb on, too!
Aunt Elyse keeping Jillian close and warm
Uncle Chris building sand castles with Layna, Ethan and Brayden
Mom takes a turn with baby girl and Poppy bulding sand castles in the background with E.
The whole gang eating lunch and enjoying the crashing waves!
Mom and her 2 cold kids!
This was hilarious-Brayden decided to lounge and watch these very amateur tennis players. They were not the greatest and look at his little laugh!

More Christmas Day

Christmas day at the Roenick house was full of family and fun! The kids were so excited to see their cousins for the first time since May. We had a great dinner and opened a lot of great gifts. I'm just sorry I don't have more and better photos!
Thomas the Train AND Fireman books-jack pot
Layna and Jillian playing together instantly

Aunt Elyse gave Jillian beads which the girl loves

Opening fun stuff
Kayla helps the kids break out the new Cootie game
A tired baby with Kayla and Uncle Doug

Friday, January 1, 2010

Santa Ate All The Cookies

This is the first year Ethan had a good concept of Santa and the first thing out of his mouth upon reaching the tree was the title of this post. Pretty good considering all the presents sitting in front of him! Jillian was all smiles all day. We spent the morning at home playing with toys then went to Mia and Poppy's house for the Roenick celebration later on Christmas Day!
loving on her baby before her brother woke up and they could raid Santa's loot
Ethan digging into his stocking to look for goodies
Jillian loves her tea set for the bath and her new mailbox toy

Ethan has asked for a cozy coupe for 3 months-Santa delivered
J lounging in her new chair and holding her 1st My Little Pony
She sneaks a ride in Cozy every chance her brother is not looking-he does not like this
E could not wait to paint his race car any longer
loving his mini train opened the night before

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was quiet at our house this year, but the kids had an amazing time opening a ton of presents from the family! A great way to kick off several days of fun with friends and family!
Ethan helped put many ornaments on the tree and was excited to open a new Thomas one!
Jillian's thought: "yes, I know I'm not supposed to have this ornament in my hand!"
She quickly got the hang of opening gifts.

Ethan loved this new BIG McQueen puzzle and J got a Minnie Mouse.

The highlight of Ethan's Christmas was receiving 2 wooden race cars to paint and put together

J loves this baby doll and you'll see more with her playing with it Christmas morning.

beeping Minnie's nose
The kids adore their new kitchen
And play pretty well with it together already!