Fun Fun Fun

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Three girls, a guy and a Segway

I had to edit my post! My mom and her sisters took the awesome Segway ride/tour at Ft. DeSoto Park and had so much fun Deb took Uncle John back 4 days later! They said the beach and park are beautiful, the segways are easy and fun and I especially love all of their helmets!
Deb and John on their date!
mom, deb, linda
Deb looking pretty steady!

Mia looks like she's full speed

Aunt Linda looking focused!
too much fun

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Let's Go Lightning

Not the type of Lightning you were expecting right?! I managed to get my hands on 4 free Tampa Bay Lightning hockey tickets and so it was a mom's night out for me, Colleen, Casey and Sam (all friends from our street). We had a fun dinner out and then hit the game. It was one of the last of the season and unfortanately we did not make it to the playoffs this time around! But it was a great time nonetheless.
Jen, Colleen, Sam and Casey
some action
every seat in the house is a decent one
photo time in front of the ice

Saturday, April 17, 2010


If you've never been to Apollo Beach to see the manatees when visiting us in Florida, next time say the word and we are going! The Teco Plant keeps a small body of water warm and during the winter months a couple of hundred manatees gather here for warmth and food. We came at the very end of the season in time to see the last 4 manatees and a guide told us that the others already left for the Caribbean. This happens each year. We went with friends on a play date and the kids LOVED the manatees, fish, nature trail, butterfly garden and little museum. A great outdoor adventure. Next year, mental note to go between January-March!
The TECO Power Plant
Look closely and you can see 3 of the manatees.
Just her size
someone actually makes and sells these custom mailboxes.
look at Jillian trying to climb the thing.
Baby Jillian vs. Baby Manatee-that's quite a size difference!
Colleen, John and Ethan put together some puzzles in the museum area
Jillian checking out the view
Some of these Tarpon were 3 feet long!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fountain Fun

The weather has finally warmed up and we made our first trip of the season to the fountains at our neighborhood town square. We grabbed a pizza on the way and it was a perfect evening of fun. J showed no fear yet again in trying something new.
She carried her pizza all over the square and even into the water
Ethan is now a daredevil and runs through at full speed
If you're happy and you know it...clap your hands
after getting a nose full she realized it was safer to let mom swing her into the water than stand in it without moving
running, running, running

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Ride

It's been an exciting 24 hours bringing home our brand new 2011 Kia Sorento! Ethan is especially happy with the blue color. I think his exact words were "wow. that is soooo cool." Special thanks to Aunt Deb, Uncle Bill and my Dad for teaching me A LOT about researching cars, dealing with dealers and sealing the deal on this purchase!
Pacific Blue-LX
E excitedly talked through all the photos-this was right when he first saw it.
J is such a cutie wanting to do everything her brother does
Inside dash is 2 tone with dark and light grays. light gray leather seats going in on Friday!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


It was a great year since both kids were old enough to really participate in the Easter festivities together. We had a great morning at the house and then headed to Mia and Poppy's house for a family visit and terrific dinner. Hope everyone had a great one, too!
Jillian dying her first Easter egg after Ethan showed her how it's done.
The Easter bunny brought beads for her in a plastic egg
With their Easter loot-Ethan was thrilled to get Thomas: Hiro of the Rails DVD
enjoying his first chocolate bunny
the only decent photo of them together-it's so hard to get a good one lately as they are both on the move.
Aunt Debbie hanging out with mom and J
Jen and Mia (my mom of course)
hanging with Aunt Deb and Uncle John by the pool
which turned into a cold dip of the feet
then it became a free for all and we didn't have suits b/c the water is still COLD

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cotton Tail Special

Last Saturday we drove to Parrish, FL to ride a real train themed the Cotton Tail Express for Easter. It was a nice little ride complete with Easter egg hunt at the end. It was the warmest day we've had in a long time, so the kids are a bit hot and not as many smiles in these photos as we'd hoped for! But a good time was had by all.
In the car J would not let go of either Easter basket and after 20 minutes we heard 1 crash, then a second. Turned to see her fast asleep and finally dropped the baskets!
Ethan was actually smiling and excited to board in this photo
Riding the train with Aunt Deb and Uncle John
We had a terrific open air gondola with a great breeze
J liked walking around whereas E stayed sitting on my lap
beautiful scenery along the way
Easter egg hunt back on the grounds
Collecting lots of colorful eggs with treats inside

Girl Talk

Lately J likes to take any of our phones she can get her hands on and push buttons as if she is texting! I caught her a few times this week. Thank goodness no unexpected charges on my phone bill!
wonder who she's contacting
her "excuse me, a little privacy" look. will wait to see this more in the teen years.
being adorable after being busted

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Strawberries are Delicious

For the first time ever we went to pick our own strawberries at a local farm near our house. The kids had a blast and they are so yummy.
Diligently filling her basket
victorious she picked a good one
E and our neighbor Marissa who the kids ADORE
He couldn't help himself to a taste on the spot
dipping the strawberries in chocolate when we got home!
what a face-tastes SO GOOD