Fun Fun Fun

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Casselman Crew

This weekend we had a great trip to the pool with my friend Donelle, her mom in law Lori and the kids Averi and Bryson. The kids got along so well we spent 3 hours swimming and jumping and playing. Summertime is great with kids off school and more of my friends off of work!!!
watch out-Ave and Ethan showering together. she even scrubbed his hair!
Jillian ate and ate and ate and ate - all morning!
moms and kids together
they kept jumping in unison...1, 2, 3 jump!
lots of jumping-note Jillian eating something different
all 3 big kids jumping in
Lori aka Gigi to her grandkids treated the kids to ice cream. the photo didn't take, but Averi had blue snow cone all over her face, arms and legs. what a hoot!

Awesome Play Date

I had a great mini reunion with my good friends Celeste and Tiffany who I have known since high school when Tiffany came down from Ohio. Our kids had so much fun playing too while we caught up. Too bad we forgot to take pictures of us moms!
Ryan and Jillian shared so nicely
Jillian hugged Nate MANY, MANY times
We got to see Nate take his first real steps!
J, Ryan and Jenna hanging out
Ethan and Jenna watching a "show"

I'm going to Disney World

Recently we spent a terrific day at Disney World and it was Jillian's first trip/Ethan's 2nd trip. We had a great day with Mia and Poppy and the Girata family! Ethan was a little more cautious and chose to ride some rides, but not as many as when he went at 20 months. Jillian had fun on everything. All of the kids really enjoyed the parade and Ethan, Brayden and Layna gave the characters high 5! Jillian like them at a distance, but cried if they came close to her. We were there 8 hours and that is pretty long for 2 little kids!
Jillian's first Disney ride-Dumbo!
Jillian and Layna both insisted on sitting with Mia on "It's a small World"
a cool shot in the dark of mom and E riding Peter Pan
The Girata family in their Winnie the Pooh honey pot
2 tired kids napping for a few minutes-she never let that lollipop go!
she waved to Minnie and Mickey from the door, but up close was a different story!
J and Poppy in the air on Aladdin's magic carpet ride
more lollipop watching the parade
E enjoying the parade

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Memorial Day

The kids had a great time with the Weitz family as they also came into town Memorial weekend. Here are some shots from their visit!
Entire immediate family
Aunt Kristi doing Jillian's hair
Uncle Mark hangin with E
Singing and clapping with cousin Anna
J with her godfather, Uncle Steve

Happy Birthday Brayden

We were so excited to celebrate my nephew's 4th birthday with the whole family together in Florida. We started at Common Ground park in lakeland which is awesome and the 4 cousins had so much fun playing together. Then we moved to the Girata's house for lunch and celebration and had a really nice visit.
the whole fam-damily
E, L, J and B on the 4 person see-saw
Brayden was so good hugging and kissing "baby Jillian"
Ethan in his Diego mask
Brayden's Diego mask
Mia sharing a laugh with her granddaughters
The boys on their scavenger hunt for treasures!
happy birthday to you
momma and J waiting for cake!
Aunt Elyse making Jillian giggle

Monday, June 7, 2010

Jen and Kids

Today we had a rare and awesome photo sitting with me and the kids. if you recall we had J's done in March so now it was Es turn! They were so cooperative that they got a cookie and a trip to the mall play area!


We had a great visit last week from my good friend Chrissy in Orlando and her 3 cutie pies. We went to the splash pool here at FishHawk and all 5 kids squeeled with delight! I almost got a group shot but it was NOT pretty, so that will be our goal next time. 5 kids 3 years old and under don't want to sit still together long.
Addison loved the sprays and tried to "eat" the water
Everett stayed around the edges with his watering can
Scarlett and Addison jump right in
The girls spent almost the whole time at this water spicket for washing your feet off
Baby S enjoying the cool water in the intense heat!
Ethan and Jillian say "cheese"
love this action shot
the best group shot I got