Fun Fun Fun

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Lane

It's time again for our annual post from Christmas Lane-might even make it there twice this year! Alex and Justin had never been before since they moved here only last year and we couldn't wait to show them the beautiful decorations and ride the train! The kids ran and ran and ran....I was surprised how much they liked "Frosty" and that they even took a photo with him! Jillian was so cute trying to catch the snowflakes in her mouth as they fell. Next year the Fry family will have another little brother in the house (due on Jillian's bday) and they can't wait to bring him to Christmas Lane next year!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

School Portraits

We just received Ethan and Jillian's individual school portraits and they turned out so cute! I understand they are now practicing singing songs at school for the annual performance for parents coming up in January! Let us know if you'd like a photo.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas is coming

I was so behind on the Thanksgiving posts-it's already time to dive into Christmas! The kids and I have had a blast decorating this year both inside and out and we are enjoying the month of December and everything leading up to our family arriving for the holidays! I am so proud to say that this is the first year Ethan agreed to get up close and personal with Santa. It's amazing to see how he has come out of his shell and the last year and half (since starting school). He shared his wish list with Santa with a smile. Jillian decided adamantly she was still not ready for anything but a wave to Santa from a distance!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Final Fun in B'ham

On our last day together we checked out an indoor play center, Treetop, that was the bomb! The kids bowled with their own 2 pound ball (Nic and I might have too), climbed a huge treehouse playground, bounced and jumped, played several games and watched the go karts race around the track! Later, while the girlies were taking their naps Chris took the boys down to the lake where they could feed the fish and throw rocks in the water! Then on Sunday as the kids and I left town I fulfilled my promise to Ethan and took he and Jillian to Talladega speedway to see the track! Little did we know they had the NASCAR Hall of Fame here, too and they went crazy over the cars in the museum-and each picked out a diecast of two of their favorite drivers. Don't skip the photo below-I will never forget Ethan finding the Richard Petty car on his own and knowing it looked just like "The King" in the Disney movie Cars. Now he understands that the character was based on a real person and his car. He was beaming! J was a great sport posing with him, too. Great trip-can't wait for our next road adventure!

We Give Thanks

We are so thankful for the wonderful meal that Uncle Chris prepared for us and the yummy desserts Aunt Elyse and Kasia brought as well. Check out the turkey we made out of food for an appetizer-I found the recipe with a neighbor and thought it was so cute! Above all though, we are thankful for our amazing friends and family that we are able to share everyday with. We love you all and as you can see from these photos had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal and time being together.

Birmingham & The Great Outdoors

Before our Thanksgiving feast we spent some really nice outside time in the beautiful weather! The kids enjoyed a local playground in the morning and playing on their cousin's swing set and out front. The boys enjoyed some soccer time as well. By far the greatest hit was making a leaf pile and jumping in it! We also got some amazing photos of all of us "kids" and our "own kids". A great, fall adventure that we don't get where we live in Florida. They had a blast throwing the leaves up and burying Mommy and Aunt Nicole in the pile. Next post-feast and hanging out after dinner!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Birmingham Buddies

This will be the first of several posts from our wonderful trip to Birmingham over Thanksgiving weekend. The kids and I drove up to see my sisters, Brother in law and niece and nephew and a great time was had by all. We arrived on Thanksgiving Day at lunchtime, so decided to have our feast on Friday. Ethan and Jillian had so much fun hanging out with Brayden and Layna around the house. Later that day we went to see the new Muppets movie! The boys are definitely the rule followers and much more mellow than the crazy girls. So funny to see the similarities and some of the differences between them all! Stay tuned for Thanksgiving pics!