Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Horse Track

Recently we spent a day at Tampa Bay downs with Mia and Poppy to show the kids their first horse races. They had a great time listening to the names and numbers of the horses and picking who they thought would win. Ethan was quite good actually choosing horses just about each race to place, win or show. The last race we watched he picked the outright winner! He's proudly holding his winnings from one race below. Jillian got a little souvenier from the gift shop as you will see and in the spirit of the races named her "Light up the Stage". It was truly a fun afternoon cheering on the horses and something I recommend for anyone looking for a different outing with the kids!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Super Woman

Jillian finally decided to try out her roller skates that she got for Christmas-and she loves them! I mostly hold her hand and go a few houses at a time. Before we know it she'll take off on her own I'm sure. She's growing up so fast!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fun with E.B.

Last weekend the kids and I went to an Easter egg hunt and saw the Easter bunny at a local community center! They had fun playing on the play ground and collected about 30 eggs each in the hunt! Ethan was eager to sit on the bunny's lap and he even whispered to him what Jillian might like to have in her basket. She was scared and would not get within 10 feet of the poor rabbit! :) The kids returned today from a long weekend in TN where they had a great time with the Weitz family for Easter and even took a trip to the zoo!


Monday, April 9, 2012

Karate Kid

This past week Ethan started his karate class! We are thankful to our friends who were able to get him a 30 day trial pass and both he and Jillian are able to attend and decide if they want to stick with it. Jillian so far has not attended a class by her choice, but Ethan loved it and fingers crossed he will continue next month! I was very impressed by all they learn about discipline, respect, focus, speed, humor, life, etc...And not to mention they are adorable in their outfits!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Portraits-SO GOOD

Time is just flying by. Hard to believe that we are in the home stretch of Jillian's second year of preschool and Ethan's VPK year. They took the most amazing photos in March and the cap and gown pics are too stinking cute. His VPK graduation ceremony date has not yet been announced but will keep you posted if you live nearby! If you want a photo let me know and I can email or print you one!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break Orlando-Part 2 of 2

Our Sea World passes are being put to great use this year and we made another visit with Donelle, Averi and Bryson. The kids had SUCH a good time going with their friends and we saw a few new things this time. The Arctic area with the Polar Bear, Beluga Whale and Walrus was so cool to see up close. And it was warm enough this visit to play in the kids splash area. It was a perfect way to spend spring break! On the way out of the park a couple (with no kids) gave Jillian the giant dolphin she is holding. He won it and she said they would not use it so wanted a child to be happy-and she sure was!

Spring Break-Orlando Part 1 of 2

Spring break started with a bang and we spent most our time in Orlando. Tropical Palms was a great little getaway with my friend Tori, my kiddos and her boys Lawson and Logan. Ethan and Jillian had so much fun at the pool and having sleep overs in the cutest little cottage with their friends. We had some fun meals, movie nights, Ethan played hockey with the boys, climbed on a fish playground, and hit Old Town the last night for some musle cars, rides and shopping! Our trip ended on St. Patty's Day, so they sported their green tshirts as we headed home. Great, relaxing place if anyone is everyone interested in a low key trip with kids!