Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Piper Turns 4

Yesterday Piper celebrated her 4th birthday in style. Ethan picked out a "cat" dog toy for her to play with and cupcakes with sprinkles! I guess he figures if his favorite is sprinkles then it must be Piper's favorite too. I added a fun picture of the old days when Piper was 9 weeks old and had only been with us for 1 week. Labs are the CUTEST puppies EVER! Jillian is all smiles at the celebration.


  1. Too cute!!!! Hard to remember when it was "just the dog"!!! Jillian is super cute...yeah for smiles! :)

  2. Isn't there a picture of Piper sleeping under the coffee table? I think that was my favorite of her puppy-pics!
