Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bumbo and First Rice Cereal

Last night Jillian got to try out her Bumbo for the first time and she really likes it! She recently went from putting herself to sleep and waking one time during the night to waking every 2 hours and wanting to eat again like a newborn! SO....the doctor said to start her on cereal as she sounded hungry! I wouldn't say she loves it, but she definitely doesn't mind it and already opens her mouth when she sees the spoon coming.

Just enjoying Bumbo Time

First Bite

Messy, but not grossed out face

After watching us Ethan decided he would like to try to feed Baby J-with success!

Where I found Ethan tonight when he yelled "mama, what is Ethan doing?"


  1. That first picture is fantastic!! :)

  2. So cute!!! Baby J is adorable!! (hope the sleep comes back...)
    Ben used to do the SAME thing as Ethan...he'd say, "Momma, WHAT am I doing?!?!" I always knew it was trouble!
