Fun Fun Fun

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We Caught One

After several attempts and Eric successfully catching some fish, for the first time Ethan had his hand on the line when they caught this one together! Ethan has no interest in touching the fish, but cheers with joy when he sees that he or daddy really caught one!
Proud of their catch
hard to believe this is in our own back yard!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Labor day weekend was full of fun as the kids and I headed to my parent's house for a couple of days. Eric was able to attend a Weitz family get together in West Virginia and had a great time as well. We attended a wedding and I hope to have more photos of that soon. I know Mia and Poppy were tired by the end of the weekend but the kids had a fabulous time!
Saturday night we arrived and had dinner and did some fishing.
Dancing with Mia at the wedding Sunday.
Me enjoying a dance with both my kids!
Poppy found and fixed a race track that has been in their playroom for MANY years
Ethan loved it and could work the controls by the end of the weekend. He also had a blast in the pool twice!
Mia and Jillian at Toys R Us!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day out with Dad

Last week daddy had the kids all day while mommy worked her last 4 day week at work (now on permanent 3 day per week schedule post training). They had an amazing day out on the town and you'll have to check out their journey below! They even got a nap somehow.
Jillian with the boys at Dunkin Donuts-I think she was hopeful for one.
Our chocolate-holic eating donuts with sprinkles, his favorite
Girlfriend swinging at the park-she is SO tiny-our little shortie is only 30th percentile for height).
Ethan teaching Jillian how to drive at Publix for the first time. We'll have to get more shots because apparently they both kept looking down!

Silly Kids

The other day we were just playing in the office and the kids were giggling and having the best time entertaining each other. They even got into these "poses" themselves!
I'll have to save these and one day show them how much the loved each other!
They look alike, yet still different-love it!
Jillian trying to get Ethan to play airplane
6 months old