Fun Fun Fun

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Labor day weekend was full of fun as the kids and I headed to my parent's house for a couple of days. Eric was able to attend a Weitz family get together in West Virginia and had a great time as well. We attended a wedding and I hope to have more photos of that soon. I know Mia and Poppy were tired by the end of the weekend but the kids had a fabulous time!
Saturday night we arrived and had dinner and did some fishing.
Dancing with Mia at the wedding Sunday.
Me enjoying a dance with both my kids!
Poppy found and fixed a race track that has been in their playroom for MANY years
Ethan loved it and could work the controls by the end of the weekend. He also had a blast in the pool twice!
Mia and Jillian at Toys R Us!

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