Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Splish Splash in the Bath

The other night Jillian took her first bath in the big tub and she and Ethan had a great time splashing around together. After about 10 minutes he was ready for her to get out, but that's fine b/c she's still pretty little and gets cold before too long. J definitely enjoyed the transition and the plethora of toys to choose from!
best photo ever-looks just like one I have of her brother at the same age
Splashing and trying to pull up on the side which she does to everything now-and news flash-we're officially crawling!
Bathing Beauties

Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Belated Birthdays

While I realize these are from last month I recently got all of the photos from everyone and did not want to forget to say Happy Birthday to some of best little friends! Ironically, their birthdays are on the same day.
Little William turned just turned 1-congrats Ashley and Billy

Macie turned 2-congrats Jim and Deana

Riding in Mack

As you know Ethan loves Lightning McQueen and lately even moreso Mack from the Disney movie cars. He frequently puts us all on the bed in the office, shuts the door and says "hold on mama, we're riding in Mack!" Well, Mia found a real Mack for him to go inside and for the first time he was jumping up and down both feet off the ground in excitement! He allows Jillian to join him inside every once in awhile, too. Enjoy!
Mack tent from the front
Climbing in and out of Mack
The kids playing nicely together

notice the 2 little McQueen and Doc matchbox cars also riding inside.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Crews Lake Train Ride

Ethan loved it so much last year that we took him back to Brooksville to ride the train again at Crew's lake Park. Jillian loved her first time there as well! Mom and Aunt Deb rode, too, while uncle John engineered the train now that he is a volunteer at the rail road! Ethan kept saying he wants his friends and cousins to come ride with him next time. 2nd Saturday of every month for anyone interested. All Aboard!
the faster the better as far as J is concerned
E, mom and Deb ridin' the rails-when the whistle made him nervous he'd quietly say "love you mom."
It sprinkled once for less than 5 months and J loved the umbrella
What a great day! 2 times around the park

Monday, October 5, 2009

My Girl

It's hard to believe Baby J is already 7 months old. She is a happy, fiesty little thing who lets you know when she wants something-that's for sure. She has already learned to wave, clap and raise her arms for 'so big'! She is getting 3 teeth on the bottom all at once, yet is still pretty happy playing during the day. Nights are a different story. :) This week she has said "hi" twice! She and Ethan love to make each other laugh and it's so fun to watch them together.
Loves the apple on her learning table-look at that funny face.
She's a ham and smiles as soon as the camera comes out lately.
She can sit in the learning chair, only if I block her in with the table!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Day in Mom's Shoes

The other day Ethan decided to try on mom's new work pumps. He was so proud of himself and even did some walking in them. Very classy with his lack of shirt I will say!
Looking like Daisy and Minnie
He did manage to walk a bit even with that height!
Luckily he didn't mind a little fall in the end!

Swim Fishies

Living in FishHawk certainly has it's perks! The kiddie splash pool, the large swimming pool and lots of kids to play with. Ethan is constantly outside lately looking for one of 3 neighbors to come home or out to play! With the hot weather we've spent a lot of time swimming and on a rainy day hit the aquarium. We are currently being teased with some fall weather, so I'm sure the park will become the future focus again soon!
Jillian's first trip to the aquarium
Ethan trying to drink the water
Jillian finally LOVES swimming
Jillian and the boys: G, E and J hanging out
Her first time in the splash pool
One cool dude in his Lightning Mcqueen suit and shades