Fun Fun Fun

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Crews Lake Train Ride

Ethan loved it so much last year that we took him back to Brooksville to ride the train again at Crew's lake Park. Jillian loved her first time there as well! Mom and Aunt Deb rode, too, while uncle John engineered the train now that he is a volunteer at the rail road! Ethan kept saying he wants his friends and cousins to come ride with him next time. 2nd Saturday of every month for anyone interested. All Aboard!
the faster the better as far as J is concerned
E, mom and Deb ridin' the rails-when the whistle made him nervous he'd quietly say "love you mom."
It sprinkled once for less than 5 months and J loved the umbrella
What a great day! 2 times around the park

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