Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Great Outdoors

Lately the kids love to play outside especially in the evening before it gets dark. We have a ton of neighbors with kids who have all become good friends and they play hard many nights during the week. Between sidewalk chalk, paint, bikes, hula hoops, soccer balls and scooters it is a fun time for all. The weather has finally been SO nice!
Riding his friend's motorcycle-stay tuned for what Santa is bringing Ethan to use outside
Ethan loves his t-ball set and uses the loose baseball now!

With help Jillian gives it a pretty good whack-but can definitely hold the bat on her own!
Usually she chills with a snack and bounces!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Story Time

Last night I was in the office and heard Ethan say, "Jillian let me show ya something". He said it 3 times and when I walked into the family room I saw that he was reading her his new Little Einsteins book. They both LOVE that show!
pat, pat, pat

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Look What Mama Did

Tonight I had an amazing adventure with my long time friend Steffany She took me to the stables to meet and ride her horse, Latigo. I was a little nervous, but it was really fun and something I would love to do again. Ethan was so proud of me when he saw these pictures and couldn't believe I rode a horse. When I asked if he would like to ride, too, his response was "yes, but not today mama." Too funny. The amateur
The real pro riding her baby
Making Friends with Latigo

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

Halloween weekend started out great with a playdate at our friends house. The kids made spider crafts and cookies which were adorable. Trick or treating was a huge success as Ethan loved his costume and Jillian was a happy trooper as always.
The boys making spiders-Ethan's is hanging from our kitchen chandelier and he's very proud of it.
making spiders out of food and having fun eating afterwards

My fireman-he picked this out 3 months ago after seeing Mr. Steve's firetrucks
My fireman and his little Dalmation "fire dog" as he called her
Despite the heat, Jillian did well in her costume for awhile
Though she doesn't look thrilled here-oh yeah-she IS crawling officially
having fun playing
first house we stopped at
J after 40 minutes
Ethan's buddies Mermaid E and football player J
figuring out these lollipop things
Halloween pjs and chocolate-nothing better

Bradenton Pumpkin Festival

What a great day at Hunsander Farm in Bradenton, Fl. They host a great pumpkin festival that makes you feel like you're up north, minus the 85 degree weather we had. Mia and Poppy joined the kids and I for a day of pumpkin patch, hay rides, fair games, petting zoo, corn maze, small time circus show, fair foods, playground and more.
hayride being pulled by a tractor!
this firetruck shot pumpkins 1,000 feet every hour on the hour!

Jillian's first pumpkin patch-Ethan wouldn't sit still long enough for a photo!
wow-ethan smiling in a picture. rare.
Ethan loved the ball toss game and redeeming tickets for prizes
Look closely and you'll see he caught a blue fish
E really enjoyed the bounce house this year
picking out a pumpkin the next night-new pooch face that J does constantly
"mama and her children" as Ethan says