Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

Halloween weekend started out great with a playdate at our friends house. The kids made spider crafts and cookies which were adorable. Trick or treating was a huge success as Ethan loved his costume and Jillian was a happy trooper as always.
The boys making spiders-Ethan's is hanging from our kitchen chandelier and he's very proud of it.
making spiders out of food and having fun eating afterwards

My fireman-he picked this out 3 months ago after seeing Mr. Steve's firetrucks
My fireman and his little Dalmation "fire dog" as he called her
Despite the heat, Jillian did well in her costume for awhile
Though she doesn't look thrilled here-oh yeah-she IS crawling officially
having fun playing
first house we stopped at
J after 40 minutes
Ethan's buddies Mermaid E and football player J
figuring out these lollipop things
Halloween pjs and chocolate-nothing better

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