Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Zoo Highlights

On December 30th we had the most beautiful weather and headed to the zoo with our cousins, family and good friends. This was Jillian's first trip to the zoo and the bigger kids knew exactly what they wanted to see and do! It was relaxing and everyone truly enjoyed the afternoon outdoors.

Jillian tried everything and babbled to this camel during our whole ride!

She loved the petting zoo and even grabbed a poor goat's ear! She was fascinated by the Giraffe's but close up wasn't sure of her true feelings. Ethan likes the animals from a distance only so he's not in many of those pictures!

Feeding the giraffes is very cool.

Now this boy loves a train ride and easily rode 5 times

Jillian wanting mom, but she soon settled in and relaxed. Layna wondering what the heck there is to cry about at the zoo!

Jillian absolutely loved George and you can see she is not shy in pointing and telling him what she wants to go and see!

Layna and her Gigi riding the Merry Go Round

Jillian playing in the fountains

A tired Mama, but boy look at the resemblance in these 2 faces.

The boys enjoying a nice lunch and getting ready for more rides and manatees!

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