Fun Fun Fun

Monday, February 8, 2010

Baby Girl

I have so many good photos to post, but life has been so busy these past 3 weeks I can't even believe it. Jillian is growing up so fast and is becoming such a little lady these days. She loves purses and make up and bead necklaces, but also wrestling around with her brother. Here are some highlights from around the house this week. She is so close to walking and is a little chatterbox. Ethan birthday photos to come shortly!
Look at that static hair inside their tunnel.
The ball pit is one of her favorite toys and she'll tell you to take her to it.
This walker IS her favorite toy for sure!
look at the determination
She thinks it is funny to run into things and say "bonk"
emptying Mia's make up bag over and over again
She is good at sitting on the bench now and here she is looking into a mirror! what a face.

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