Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Joint Birthday Party

It was a great celebration for Ethan and Jillian turning 3 and 1 respectively. We moved the party from the park to our house as the weather turned out to be a wopping 46 degrees outside! I set up different stations around the house and the kids kept busy playing as you will see. I have so many photos but these capture the main hightlights best. Thanks to all who helped make the day so special for the babies we LOVE so much!
Jen did hand make the Rocket cake as Ethan has wanted a Little Einsteins rocket cake for months now. thanks to my mom and Aunt Paulette for making the awesome cupcakes.
blowing out their candles
Jillian had no problem diving right into a cupcake!
she loved all the attention, too
Eric, Jillian, Jen and Ethan eating cake!
the painting station in the garage was a huge success-Ethan with neighbors John and Emma
Ethan's train table probably got the most attention-I think everyone played here at some point.
the little ones loved the ballpit and Jillian pals around with William and Michael

more train tracks for Bryson, Raymond, John and Ethan
the big kids enjoyed the hammock-Averi, Jack, Emma and Alex
Julia's turn on the slide
Macie taking advantage of the bubble wand table being free
Michael and J play with a Sesame Street toy so cute together
the boys were hilarious watching a thomas the train dvd during presents. Look how little E looks in the front.
Ethan ecstatic to open the Wonder Pets Flyboat!
Enjoying opening presents-these are mini soccer goals!

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