Fun Fun Fun

Monday, May 3, 2010

Literacy Fundraiser at Gymboree

We recently attended a very cool fund raiser at our Gymboree. A national organization supports increasing literacy rates in areas of the country where crime rates/jail statistics are high and have been linked to low literacy rates. So, our small donation went towards making books for children who need them and don't necessarily have access to enough reading material. Gymboree read the story chosen by the Literacy Group, which was the Little Engine that could. Then they set up the room and did a whole train themed event at open play. The kids then drew pictures that will be in the front cover of each book made. We had a great time and it is a great cause. I finally got tons of good photos of both kids at Gymboree as we didn't have many of J yet!
First was story time
Jillian has definitely mastered climbing very quickly
proud when she reaches the top
Ethan has certainly gotten more daring
I love how they follow each other around the place
popping bubbles
E down inside the barrel hiding
J loves the tunnel and has never feared going through
drawing their pictures for inside the book covers

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