Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Where a Kid can Be a Kid

Yep, you guessed the slogan right-Chuck E. Cheese's is where a kid can be a kid. Took the kids for the very first time with some of our friends and they didn't want to leave! What an amazing package/deal they have including coins, large pizza, 4 drinks-it felt like a steal actually and we split it between 2 families making it even better! Ethan is at the age where he wants to play more games and well Jillian, like her aunt elyse at this age wants to ride everything! We can't wait to go back for more fun with the mouse in the future.
Ethan and John loved this roller coaster simulation and would laugh and shriek and probably spent a third of their tokens repeating it.
Jillian likes to "whack em"
this huge rocking horse actually rocked us back and forth. freaked me out, but J squeeled with delight
yes friends, the show is still there
Sarah, Emily and Aiden in the lunch area
riding together only once the whole time
she loved the back and forth on this caterpillar ride
ski ball was hilarious b/c none of the kids could quite get the ball all the way up to the slots. balls were on the floor, in each other's alleys-you name it.

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