Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bedtime Stories with Santa

Last Sunday we went with friends for BedTime Stories with Santa at our neighborhood clubhouse. The kids enjoyed cookies, crafts, a story from Mrs. Claus, and even told Santa what they wanted for Christmas-from 5 feet away. Jillian fussed even when they had me sit with her on Santa's lap-and Ethan never got within arm's length of the jolly old man. But, they had a blast with their friends and making a few new ones.
E and his "girlfriend" Alexa. He called her that one day out of the blue!
they were making funny faces in the mirror-sugar kicking in I guess!
J and her buddy Brayden
Story time was so cute
being silly in front of the tree-they helped decorate ours for a solid 30 minutes this year not so sure about this guy-but after she still wanted to tell him what to bring her this year!

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