Fun Fun Fun

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to School

It's hard to believe that summer vacation has come to an end. Today was an exciting day as Ethan started the VPK program and Jillian started her second year of preschool with an increase to 2 days per week. They were both tentative when I dropped them off, but came bouncing towards me as I walked in the door to pick them up! Ethan made a few new friends and was happy to have a couple of familiar faces in his class. The excitement of the day for him was using medicine droppers with different colored liquids and trying to predict what colors would be made by mixing them. A little scientist in the making. Jillian's "best part of the day" was a form of fingerpainting where they create a picture only dipping the tips of their fingers in the paint and mixing colors on paper. Her class is mostly the same kids as the summer and last year. She claims the only new addition goes by the name of "poopoo", but I am skeptical. We are so happy that they are off to such a positive start and all love their teachers!

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