Fun Fun Fun

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Piper's Birthday Weekend

This  year Piper turned "lucky" 7 years old! Following in tradition she gets either cupcakes or ice cream and the kids gave her 2 cupcakes to celebrate. They also helped her open up some new presents-a ball and frisbee type toy! Then on the weekend we took her to Mia's house and spent the night so we could get an early start to honeymoon island dog beach. We all had a great day and Piper was happy to run on the beach, swim in the water and yes, even sunbathe at the end of the day! Happy Birthday Piper-we love you!

 Birthday girl
 notice she's posing perfectly for a snausage!
 beach time
 not afraid of the gulf anymore-look at me
 this kid was even swimming under water

 running with Mia

 pretty birthday girl
squirting Mia
running in the water-so fun

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