Fun Fun Fun

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Florida Summer Fun

Summer time in Florida means many days at the pool. We are lucky that many friends have joined us and had some fantastic days relaxing and jumping and playing. We've graduated to another pool in FishHawk that has swimming blocks the kids can jump off of-enjoy as they soar and splash below! Tomorrow we leave for Myrtle Beach, so no posts for a couple of weeks-but we'll be sure to have some good ones after that family vacation reunion!
 Averi, Hunter and Jillian sharing a smoothie
 Bryson and Ethan of course picked blue
 Ethan and new friend JJ we became friends with at pool this summer
 Riley and Jillian play so well together (JJs sister)
 swimmer or cheerleader-we shall see
 awesome jumps
 in she goes
 Jack and Ethan jump in unison
Ethan and Jillian jumping together

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