Fun Fun Fun

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Good Times

We were so excited to post back to school photos we forgot a few from our last week of summer! Can't forget some good times spent with great friends.
Jillian holds baby Caden (Mike and Tiffany had baby number 3) 
 Check out Michal's shirt-chalkboard style. What a fabulous welcome!
 After some xbox play Ethan, Michael, Jillian and Ayela
 A miraculous shot with all 5 squirming kids
 We spent a very rainy day bowling witht he McIlroys-Ethan and Alex 3 days before school started
 no more rolling the  ball between the legs for this one-he has technique now
 Jillian and Grant watch her bowl roll slowly to the pins
 Playdate with Ethan's good friend Payton at the fountains
 We hadn't intended on a water day-but it was so much fun in their clothes we couldn't stop them
At mommy's office getting some work done

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