Fun Fun Fun

Friday, January 1, 2010

Santa Ate All The Cookies

This is the first year Ethan had a good concept of Santa and the first thing out of his mouth upon reaching the tree was the title of this post. Pretty good considering all the presents sitting in front of him! Jillian was all smiles all day. We spent the morning at home playing with toys then went to Mia and Poppy's house for the Roenick celebration later on Christmas Day!
loving on her baby before her brother woke up and they could raid Santa's loot
Ethan digging into his stocking to look for goodies
Jillian loves her tea set for the bath and her new mailbox toy

Ethan has asked for a cozy coupe for 3 months-Santa delivered
J lounging in her new chair and holding her 1st My Little Pony
She sneaks a ride in Cozy every chance her brother is not looking-he does not like this
E could not wait to paint his race car any longer
loving his mini train opened the night before

1 comment:

  1. I love Jillian's chair! I always wanted one of those for Layna, too. Maybe that can be a special gift when we convert her room to a big-girl bed in the spring...
