Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, April 11, 2010


It was a great year since both kids were old enough to really participate in the Easter festivities together. We had a great morning at the house and then headed to Mia and Poppy's house for a family visit and terrific dinner. Hope everyone had a great one, too!
Jillian dying her first Easter egg after Ethan showed her how it's done.
The Easter bunny brought beads for her in a plastic egg
With their Easter loot-Ethan was thrilled to get Thomas: Hiro of the Rails DVD
enjoying his first chocolate bunny
the only decent photo of them together-it's so hard to get a good one lately as they are both on the move.
Aunt Debbie hanging out with mom and J
Jen and Mia (my mom of course)
hanging with Aunt Deb and Uncle John by the pool
which turned into a cold dip of the feet
then it became a free for all and we didn't have suits b/c the water is still COLD

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