Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, April 17, 2010


If you've never been to Apollo Beach to see the manatees when visiting us in Florida, next time say the word and we are going! The Teco Plant keeps a small body of water warm and during the winter months a couple of hundred manatees gather here for warmth and food. We came at the very end of the season in time to see the last 4 manatees and a guide told us that the others already left for the Caribbean. This happens each year. We went with friends on a play date and the kids LOVED the manatees, fish, nature trail, butterfly garden and little museum. A great outdoor adventure. Next year, mental note to go between January-March!
The TECO Power Plant
Look closely and you can see 3 of the manatees.
Just her size
someone actually makes and sells these custom mailboxes.
look at Jillian trying to climb the thing.
Baby Jillian vs. Baby Manatee-that's quite a size difference!
Colleen, John and Ethan put together some puzzles in the museum area
Jillian checking out the view
Some of these Tarpon were 3 feet long!

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