Fun Fun Fun

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Brayden

We were so excited to celebrate my nephew's 4th birthday with the whole family together in Florida. We started at Common Ground park in lakeland which is awesome and the 4 cousins had so much fun playing together. Then we moved to the Girata's house for lunch and celebration and had a really nice visit.
the whole fam-damily
E, L, J and B on the 4 person see-saw
Brayden was so good hugging and kissing "baby Jillian"
Ethan in his Diego mask
Brayden's Diego mask
Mia sharing a laugh with her granddaughters
The boys on their scavenger hunt for treasures!
happy birthday to you
momma and J waiting for cake!
Aunt Elyse making Jillian giggle

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