Fun Fun Fun

Monday, June 7, 2010


We had a great visit last week from my good friend Chrissy in Orlando and her 3 cutie pies. We went to the splash pool here at FishHawk and all 5 kids squeeled with delight! I almost got a group shot but it was NOT pretty, so that will be our goal next time. 5 kids 3 years old and under don't want to sit still together long.
Addison loved the sprays and tried to "eat" the water
Everett stayed around the edges with his watering can
Scarlett and Addison jump right in
The girls spent almost the whole time at this water spicket for washing your feet off
Baby S enjoying the cool water in the intense heat!
Ethan and Jillian say "cheese"
love this action shot
the best group shot I got

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