Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, October 3, 2010

School Portraits

Hi everyone, I'm sorry there hasn't been a lot of posting lately, but it has been crazy around here! For the past 2 weeks we have been getting the kids adjusted to school, I'm in budget season at work, we took turns with a round of colds, had our community yard sale and this weekend I had a fever with possible reaction to my flu shot! But I promise to get some new things posted throughout this week. The first week of school Creative World had a family event night where you could take family portraits, draw family portraits, make crafts and play in the Exploratorium Center which the kids enjoyed. We got 2 fabulous photos from that night. School has gotten a little better each week. Jillian has made special friends with a boy in her class and tells us "preston is funny", which is adorable. Ethan so far has friends named Calvin, Grayson and Alyssa and he told me last week "Emma threw up on the playground." It's a hoot!
they make it look like this shot was easy to get!
love this one

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