Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Train At the Mall?

Yes there is now a train at Countryside Mall and all can ride for the low price of only $3 per person! Jillian was skeptical at first, but soon both kids were cruising the mall looking at stores and people passing by! We even stopped by the ice skating rink, where Ethan hoped to see someone fall on their booty like on America's Funniest Videos. Was a great little outing and I'm sure we'll go back for more in the future.
Waiting our turn at the train station
riding in the blue car of course as that is E's favorite color
watching the people go by
a great shot of the engine
watching the train after us leave
and then yummy lunch at the food court and another ride or two
Dannica's got nothin' on my speed demon

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