Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

We have so many things to be thankful for, but most of all the wonderful family and friends we spent the weekend with and the others we missed from afar! I am especially thankful for my 2 healthy, beautiful and smart children. When I asked them what they were thankful for Ethan replied "my quarter coming out" and Jillian said, "snacks"-both with a devilish smile!
The Giratas brought the cutest potato turkey craft that the kids had fun putting together
It's hard to get them all looking and smiling at the same time
I made a train cake and tracks out of candy and the kids decorated and ate their own cars-thanks Aunt Paulette!
Ethan thought this was so fun-train fanatic
Jillian dug right in
Friday we went to the new Glazier Children's museum in Tampa-Ethan and Layna shopping at Publix
adorable cousins. Jillian and Brayden spent a lot of one on one time together this trip playing
ball pit at museum-her favorite
Ethan and his quarter
kids with Averi and Bryson in our backyard the day before Thanksgiving

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tarpon Springs

Mia, Ethan, Jillian and I had such a nice day in Tarpon Springs, FL week before last. It was so enjoyable to leisurely walk around, look at the boats and water, check out a few shops, and Poppy was able to join us for lunch. The kids saw his company shop for the first time and loved that he had a train in his office. Due to a little bit of weather the boats were not going out, so we will have to return in the future to watch a real Sponger dive for sponges. Brought back many memories from my childhood as we took that boat ride many times and I went to Tarpon Springs Middle School!
I never take these cheesy photos myself, but decided to be silly
many beautiful boats
touching the sponges was cool-kids thought they were funny
Throwing coins in the fountain
Staying out of the brief rain
running through the puddles-they love this SO MUCH
A little merry go round was in the middle of the shopping area

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Belated Halloween

This year was so fun to see both kids completely understand and run together from house to house yelling "trick or treat". I was happy they almost always followed up with "thank you" without us prompting them. Ethan wasn't as into the candy as I thought he would be, but Jillian ate as much as she could as fast as she could before we had to take it away for the night! Also, their preschool had a cute fall festival so some of those pics are included. I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week-glad I got these posted before the next major holiday.
Buccaneer cheerleader and Thomas the Train
she walked around pumping her fist and saying "go Bucs"
I was worried about the hat, but he LOVED this costume
How many lollipops does it take to make a cheerleader happy?
decorating their own cookies at school festival
Ethan had fun with the bigger kids in the bounce house
Jillian enjoyed the games most
painting the group mural

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ethan's Xray

It's Day 5 of Quarter Watch and still no luck. E went back to the doctor today and they took a new xray and found that things look good. The quarter is starting to move through his system properly now and they hope only a couple of more days until it passes! He was great with getting the xrays taken as you can see.
getting ready to lay down for the xray
a very obvious quarter in there. the dark circle above it to the right is his actual stomach
such a little man

Waiting for a Quarter

Yes, I am dying to post Halloween photos, but this quarter has kept us busy for the last 36 hours. You may or may not have heard by now that Ethan accidentally swallowed a quarter. Because of a few symptoms and complaint he had I took him to Urgent Care for xrays yesterday morning. Luckily, the quarter was not stuck and the doctor happily told us it was almost past the stomach already and to wait for nature to take it's course. As of today and two potty trips later, that stubborn coin has still not shown itself. Let's hope tomorrow, otherwise at 4 pm we will be going for second xrays. Will keep you posted and I'm hoping to get my hands on a copy of the xray film for his scrapbook. E was a trooper and thought the photo of his throat to tummy was very cool! Though, he immediately promised "mommy. I will NEVER do that again!"