Fun Fun Fun

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Belated Halloween

This year was so fun to see both kids completely understand and run together from house to house yelling "trick or treat". I was happy they almost always followed up with "thank you" without us prompting them. Ethan wasn't as into the candy as I thought he would be, but Jillian ate as much as she could as fast as she could before we had to take it away for the night! Also, their preschool had a cute fall festival so some of those pics are included. I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week-glad I got these posted before the next major holiday.
Buccaneer cheerleader and Thomas the Train
she walked around pumping her fist and saying "go Bucs"
I was worried about the hat, but he LOVED this costume
How many lollipops does it take to make a cheerleader happy?
decorating their own cookies at school festival
Ethan had fun with the bigger kids in the bounce house
Jillian enjoyed the games most
painting the group mural

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