As I continue to work part time we are lucky to have a some friends on the same school schedule as us. This allows for some fun Tues/Thurs playdates, which we are grateful for! My friend Deana has passes to the zoo and for the whole month of September that also gets you into a few other places an unlimited number of times for free! Can't beat that and we are so glad she asked us to join her, Macie and Davis for some adventures. Our children get along unbelievably well. On a beautiful, overcast day (not too hot) we saw some incredible animals like the penguins, giraffes, manatees, zebras, elephants, monkeys and more! They have a great fountain area for the kids to cool off in and some kiddie rides to boot. Ethan is past his fear of the animals, so both he and Jillian enjoyed every bit. J got upset when they told her she was too young to ride the flying bananas, so we plan to go back VERY soon!
VIDEO: Ship Photos from the Summer Cruise 2019
5 years ago
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