Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fishies at the Pool

So for the last month and half since the weather got warm in Florida we have spent at least one day per week and sometimes more at the pool! The private swim lessons we did last summer have turned out to be the best investment ever as the kids are now swimming very well on their own this year. I have to get video soon, but Jillian can even go all the way under as of this week and pick up dive toys off the bottom of the pool! Ethan is now comfortable going under and even loves to wear dive flippers to go faster. They are fascinated with the old Taylor Lauitner movie Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava girl, so you will see Shark boy in photo one and where they are laying by the side of the pool is a scene from that movie. It's too cute-and a great way to have playdates now and through the summer. Loving the pool!
 Shark Boy
 Too sunny to keep our eyes open
 Lava girl just rescue shark boy and it takes a minute for both to wake up
 my fishies
 Big jumps from Ethan
Jillian is a natural in the pool

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