Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend: Sunday Highlights

Sunday was our final full day at the beach and more friends came to visit! Deana brought Macie and Davis to play and Sam brought Marissa and a friend of hers too! Oh boy did we swim and run and wear ourselves out again. In the evening we had yummy ice cream, found a cool beach store and watched our final beautiful sunset on the beach. The kids were even willing to take a walk with me on the beach. So fun to hang outside in the evenings when it's a little cooler out too. Then Monday morning we leisurly checked out and headed home, but not without a final game of shuffleboard first! Then Ethan and Jillian got to spend a great Memorial Day with their dad and Aunt Shannon and Uncle Steve. They even went to a Rays game-what a terrific weekend for all!  
 Ethan and Macie trying to beat the waves in
 Jillian and Macie in the gulf
 Ethan discovered these flippers and now wants a pair for at home. he was fast in them
 hanging with Kendra's nephew Tyler
 Marissa making Jillian a cheerleader like her
 Deana, Jen and Kendra-so glad we've stayed close
 my beautiful princess at sunset
 The best of friends
 time for a treat
 spy kids with a huge slice of pizza on the beach
Kendra and Selah-hula baby

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