Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Drown The Devil

In keeping with tradition the Roenick's played drown the devil mid week to see who the last man sitting in their chair would be as the tide rolled in! Poppy was the family winner-the kids were excited to cheer him on! We spent several days having SO much fun at the beach and at the multiple pools we had access to. The kids had a blast playing with cousins and second cousins galore. It was nice to see my cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents too! One last Myrtle Post coming...
 lining up
 Closer shots of the each competitor
 hello contestants
 water starting to come in just a little
 now we see the water coming to waist and shoulders
 and wham-now it's in their face
some go through and some go under the waves-interesting choices
from behind so you can see how deep and how many are out already!
 towards the end a wave takes out 3 at a time
 Uncle Jim and Chris wipe out even later! I didn't get a photo of the winner-but they get to take home the honorary first place toilet seat until next competition!

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