Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, August 18, 2012

SandCastles, Tigers and Laughs

The next couple of days on the beach were so much fun! The kids all participated in the annual sandcastle contest where the adults build a big structure and everyone puts a character on the castle. As the tide comes in last character standing wins! We also went to a nice dinner and saw the tigers at BareFoot Landing. They were extremely active that night and we got a real show as you will see!
 Aunt Elyse arrived Monday night
 mama kisses
 the new generation of sandcastle contestants
 pretty good castle in place-my kids were Mcqueen and Strawberry Shortcake
 tide rolling in and taking some of the walls down
 Last turret left and the kids holding their breath!
 And my cousin Renee is the winner with Princess Jasmine
 Aunt Elyse and her mini me looking on
 The boys washing off their toys-look at those faces. Ewww-sand!
 Aunt Karen and my cousin Carly's daughter Gwen
 The girls LOVE Bennett-my cousin Stephen's little boy
 The tigers were awesome
 playful kitties
 hug me
 nice family pic after dinner and walk
silly family photo after dinner and walk

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