Fun Fun Fun

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Waiting for a Quarter

Yes, I am dying to post Halloween photos, but this quarter has kept us busy for the last 36 hours. You may or may not have heard by now that Ethan accidentally swallowed a quarter. Because of a few symptoms and complaint he had I took him to Urgent Care for xrays yesterday morning. Luckily, the quarter was not stuck and the doctor happily told us it was almost past the stomach already and to wait for nature to take it's course. As of today and two potty trips later, that stubborn coin has still not shown itself. Let's hope tomorrow, otherwise at 4 pm we will be going for second xrays. Will keep you posted and I'm hoping to get my hands on a copy of the xray film for his scrapbook. E was a trooper and thought the photo of his throat to tummy was very cool! Though, he immediately promised "mommy. I will NEVER do that again!"

1 comment:

  1. One of the kids at the church swallowed a fishing weight a few months ago. Once they got it out they gave him a copy of the scoping pictures and he carried them proudly around church for weeks. Hope Ethan gets some of his x-rays for show-and-tell, too! :)
