Fun Fun Fun

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


The newest pizza place in our park square at FishHawk is called Fuhgidabowdit Pizzeria. They have a great deal for kids where for $5 a piece they can come in and make their own personal pizza and it comes with a soft drink as well! We went with our friends Alex and Justin and their mom, Stephanie. The owner and staff were incredible as they spent time at the table with the kids taking them through each step. They pounded the dough, poured and spread the sauce with their fingers (they loved), sprinkled cheese and pepperoni. I thought it an interesting fact that each child put pepperoni on their pizza and each one picked it off before eating! The staff showed them the kitchen including the pizza oven. They played video games while the pizza cooked and 10 minutes later we had a yummy lunch. Another great summer activity to add to our list!

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