Fun Fun Fun

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bowling with Mia and Poppy

Father's Day weekend was really nice. I know this is a little outdated, but I cleaned up a bunch of photos that can finally be posted-it's a process everyone! Anyway, the kids spent one day with their dad at all of their favorite places, i.e. train store, gymboree, ice cream shop, McDonald's and had so much fun. Then we spent a day with my dad and went bowling and out to lunch! A very full and fulfilling weekend!
Jillian choosing her ball. look at those adorable shoes.
They had a special 5 pound ball for the kiddos-in Ethan's favorite color to boot
love the bowling shoes and his proud grin after knocking down some pins
Jillia used the ramp, but also had to try bowling big girl style with Mia
lots of clapping for all!
Ethan and Poppy send a ball down the ramp
happily pretend to play video games!

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