Fun Fun Fun

Friday, July 2, 2010

Reunion with Froustis Family

Facebook is an amazing thing I keep saying. A couple of weeks ago I found my long lost friend Kristina who was my best friend from ages 4-8 in our house on Citrus Hill Lane in Palm Harbor. Our parents would stay up playing cards, we did play dates and cabbage patch kid parties and were the best of buddies. After they moved back to Chicago (we were still in elementary school) we occassionally saw the Froustis family every few years and the last time was 10 years ago! After reuniting on facebook we learned they were in Clearwater and we just had to get together. It was incredible to visit and watch our children play together so nicely! Thanks for a great day at the beach with good friends that I will not lose touch with again. We had so much fun.
Kristina and Jen on the balcony
Dean and Cindi
Cindy and Gaye (mom)
Jillian, Madison, McKenna and Ethan slightly cooperating
Jillian was cracking us up putting her whole face in the water and trying to swim
She was so insistent and Poppy couldn't stop laughing
Eating pizza and fruit in their jammies!
This was so cute-they curled up to watch Finding Nemo on the bed together.

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