Fun Fun Fun

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Miss Sarah Visit: Part 1

You may remember Ethan's favorite Gymboree teacher of all time-Miss Sarah! Well, about 6 months ago she went on early maternity leave and has now decided to stay at home with her 2 little ones. Needless to say we miss her dearly and have started play dates with Sarah and her kids as they only live about 35 minutes from us! Our first trip was to the 2 Fishhawk pools on a very hot, sunny day. The boys both LOVE trains and get along beautifully!

Ethan with Aiden (5 yrs), their neighbor Jayden and baby Emily (4 mos)
Only Miss Sarah could Ethan in his first pair of water wings-he would never try anything of the sort with us!
testing them out-look at his fingers-he is so focused. It lasted all of 4 minutes and he took them off!
love this shot of A and J
Jillian laughing at mommy blowing bubbles
both kids fighting for mom to hold them

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