Fun Fun Fun

Friday, August 27, 2010

Another Great Children's Museum

My friend Tiffany discovered a cute little children's museum in Lakeland, FL and it was a great place to meet in the middle for a playdate since they live in Orlando! They had everything from a Publix store, to a bank, space shuttle and orange grove with plastic balls for the kids to pick out of tree and more. We followed up with lunch at Harry's, which is always a treat. Great to see our friends who we are not with as often as we would like to be.
Driving-they actually named it after Grady Judd current Polk county sheriff
Michael takes a turn at the wheel
the firefighter station was a big hit with all
E "putting out a fire"
shopping together at Publix
for those who know how Jillian says "meat" this photo says it all. if you haven't heard remind me next time we are together and you will get a good laugh.
checking out
These colorful swans are all over downtown lakeland
E was fascinated with this set up about rain, flooding, water, etc..
a very cool tree house

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