Fun Fun Fun

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Casselman Beach House

As school gets ready to start and some of our friends go back to work soon we decided to pack in a ton of play dates over the last 2 weeks. We spent a beautiful day on Indian Rocks beach with Donelle and her two little ones Averi and Bryson at their family beach house. The kids play so well together and some fun in the sun was a relaxing way to spend a hot summer day! We mostly stayed at the pool, but even Ethan allowed us a brief trip down to the beach!
J and B hanging out when we first got there
A loves to hold and pick up J-so cute
my child has no fear-she puts her face in the pool, the shower, and it doesn't phase her
B pulling that wagon in the water cracked me up
monkey girl loving the water and waves
E looking for shells and splashing in the shallow areas
lots of laughs
love this photo-A is quite a ham for the camera
exhausted and full of lunch and ice cream they all lounged and watched a movie together!

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