Fun Fun Fun

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Myrtle Beach Family Photos

I believe this is the last of the photos highlighting our trip to Myrtle Beach. Thanks so much to Mia and Poppy for letting us stay with them and it was SO wonderful to see our large family. We don't get to do it often enough and it is enjoyable to spend time with everyone and see our kids playing together! The kids did beautifully on the drive and we look forward to the next reunion in 2 or 3 years!
The group in attendance this year!
fam damily
Celebrating Grandma's 86th birthday!
Aunt Sue, Melissa, Aunt Kathy, Jen, Jess and Aunt Karen
Noah, Jillian, Renee, Alaina, Ethan, Isabella and Christian watching Dumbo!
A potty in style
Ethan and K making sand art
give the girl a surf board next
Ethan in the condo "perfect for him" he told everyone when he wanted to leave the beach
outside the ice cream store
toes in the pool one night
perty girl!

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