Fun Fun Fun

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Latest News

I'm taking a short break from photos and wanted to give you an update on some of our latest news! The kids are doing fantastic and I am happy to say that they are going to start "school" one day per week beginning 9/21. It is very exciting to think about what they will learn and bring home to share with us. Other big news is that Ethan is well on his way to becoming potty trained and is only in pull ups for naps and bed time. Even Jillian is using the potty a couple of times every day. Jillian is talking up a storm and the two of them crack me up with the things that come out of their mouths. I continue to have 2 days off per week and we are so grateful that mom and Deb will each continue to spend time with them 1 day per week. It is a time of growth and change, but we are just enjoying every minute together!

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